We are looking forward to our 2025 Lavender Bloom starting in July. Our farm Store will be Open special times & dates through the Winter months. To inquire for the most up to date times, google us, watch for our daily Instagram & facebook posts or listen to our voicemail 519-535-4361.
A Reminder that Professional Photographers must book a time outside of regular visiting hours to take pictures. We welcome amateur photographers (please tag us) , Bird watcher’s, cyclists and walking groups.*** Large Groups & bus trips are required to book prior to visiting.
We ask that your pets be left in the comfort of your home as we have farm animals and our own Pup Macy . Guide Animals are welcome.
We ask that all visitors be vacated from the fields promptly at closing time. We have much work here on the farm to prepare and maintain for the following days opening.
We do not have water or refreshment’s at the farm for sale. We are a park like setting so you may bring a picnic but ensure all garbage and items go home with you. We do not provide garbage containers as we ask that you only leave your footprints in the pathways of our lavender.
Please watch our Facebook & Instagram for daily updates and special events in the field.
Any questions please contact us at [email protected]